The Hermitage Centre uses the Child Safeguarding policy and procedures of the Archdiocese of Dublin.


Suaimhneas Chaoimhín’s ministry is essentially a ministry with adults. Only guests who are over 18 years of age are accommodated in the Hermitage Centre. Adult groups also come for day retreats or guided reflective walks in the Valley of Glendalough.

However, the Centre also offers a service to schools, both Primary and Second level. Team members and volunteers are available to guide class groups on day retreats, always with the clear understanding with school management that teachers from the school  must accompany the children and are responsible for all aspects of the safeguarding and wellbeing of the young people.


In so far as staff or volunteers of Suaimhneas Chaoimín have contact with children they observe a code of conduct that is consistent with best practice in our Church and State. The Centre works under the auspices of St. Kevin’s Parish, Archdiocese of Dublin, which has undertaken to implement the policy, procedures and guidelines drawn up by the National Board for the Safeguarding of Children in the Catholic Church as revised in 2016.

The staff / volunteers who relate with children are Garda vetted and are trained in Child Safeguarding. They work only with school groups who are accompanied by their teachers whose responsibility it is to ensure the safety of the children.